Little beginning's can bring large results in the right hands and planted in the right place!!!!!!
A single grain of corn while on the cob is a great thing to those in the south. This time of year gardens are ready for the picking and we are preparing to enjoy the harvest of hard work and God's growth. Its easy at this point to enjoy the fresh and refreshing corn on the cob fresh of the grill and forget that there was sacrifice that brought this bounty to our plates. Much in the same way as our lives as Christians. You see last year there was a single grain that was pulled from its life giving plant and pulled from it's comfort zone. As it died to itself a process of rebirth began within itself. We as Christians are called to do likewise. We often cling to our cob even though we know it is only a temporary life support system. Yet it is comfortable and known. Christ says we must die to ourselves and be born again of the spirit. This is where we can experience life more abundant. You see in the same way as this little kernel passes and brings birth into a new plant the produces 100's if not 1'000s of knew kernel's we should be the same.
Christ can show us this illustration again and again all throughout His creation but it is being played out before our eye's on a piece of land in Honduras. What was once a field of corn that gave feed to cattle and flour for tortilla's has since turned into a hub of activity seeking to die to itself and bring glory to the Lord. A nice field that brought a meager yield of food will soon be a home that will bring forth first fruits to the King of Kings. Where corn once grew know is the mixing place of concrete sweat and love. This mixture on God's land is birthing a home of ministry and love. Before our eye's we have seen a mighty and powerful God answering prayer after prayer and showing His provision. As this field has been destroyed a home has been born. Where corn was once grown souls are being saved by God's grace.
There have been some key elements to all the blessings we have witnessed over the past few months in Honduras. We have to be willing to get out of our comfort zone. We have seen people that love the Lord step away from home, give sacrificially, pray without ceasing, and work without regard to there own time. This group is always seeking Gods wisdom and timing in what He would have us to do. Just like corn planted in November we must be in His season if we are to see a fruit full harvest. There have been times of growing that seem to be unproductive, but just like the grain in the ground that begins to grow, we know not Gods timing.
Just a few days ago we witnessed the roof structure being finished and the tin being delivered to the work site. As I stood and watched I couldn't help but cry as i looked at what God has done and is doing. If God can grow a forest from an acorn, why couldn't He build an orphanage in Honduras. We say we have faith in God yet seem so amazed when He continues to fulfill His promises. I pray we live a life expecting Him to do great things in and around us as we see His name exalted.
From June to august there has been a transition in this work site. It is no longer a grouping of concrete boxes, but now taking form of a home. We have seen the same changes in people that have became involved in what God is doing. From someone afraid to share to praying openly with an unbeliever. To a teenage girl carrying a toy monkey to the young lady leading others in a prayer of salvation. Lives are being transformed through God's power and strength.
Just as a farmers work is never done, nor is ours. We have not been called by God to sit idly by as He works. We are to be partners in His work. Please be in prayer that we will always seek His timing as we continue in this ministry. Pray for God to release the provisions needed to finish this project and impact more lives for the glory of Christ.
Please join us Sat Aug 25 from 11-6pm @ Tractor Supply in Weaverville as we sell BBQ for $5 per plate or $7 per lb. We will also be raffling off a $500 gift card for Dick's Sporting goods as well. Tickets are $5 each. If you would like more info about this or maybe you would like to here more about what God is doing in the lives of His people call Andy @ 828-231-5843
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