No one will look at this picture and think that they shouldn't do something. The problem is what can one person do? Or even more, we may think that the worlds problems are so big we cannot make a difference. This is one of Satan's greatest lies, yet there is a biblical truth in it. You see we can not make a difference in our strength or power. What we forget so quickly is that as a believer in Christ the power of the risen savior is in us. If we where to seek His will and purpose for our lives we could fill blogs day after day of the great miracles and stories of praise. You see Satan is right when he whispers you can't make a difference, there is nothing in your power to change the live of this little girl. If the story where to end here, what a sad world we would live in. God has an answer for you and for me. The answer is proclaimed throughout scripture and boiled down it is simply "Less of you and more of ME".
I write this on mothers day and as many Christians Proverbs 31 was a large part of our service. The scripture that beautifully describes the wives, mothers, and ladies that so many of us have come to love. The true definition of what a Godly woman will look like in the eyes of the Lord. But what if we take that same verse and alter the application just a bit. We read that as the Church we are called to be the Bride of Christ. So what if we looked at that chapter as what we should look like as a church.
Verses 10-19 describes a Church body that is trusted by the Bridegroom because of her actions and pure heart. It goes on to show a church in motion. Frankly speaking as I read these verses a grow tired just of thinking of the work she is doing. From gathering wool and flax, and going afar to get food. Then rising early to prepare meals for her household and dealing wisely in business as she seeks the best land for there work. I wonder as a church if we would measure up to these standards. Are our hands calloused in the work of the Lord, or are we more just a blister on the Hand of the Lord showing up after the work is done. There are several very good books out that speak of the lack of commitment to Gods work. The wife or bride described in this passage has no doubt in her heart as to whom she loves. You see that's what motivates her. Love for her husband.
In Verse 20 we see that her heart is pure not only towards her husband but to all humanity. You see it is one thing for us to serve those who can pay us back, but what about those who can't? You see its easy to love those who love you back. Christ loved those who hated him. The child above will never know if you give money to send her food. She may never know who has prayed for her or cried as we think of the life she faces. You see our heart is revealed in moments when only God is watching. The women in Proverbs "stretches her hands to the poor:she reacheth her hands to the needy". You see as the Church we should never wait for needs to come to us, we should be stretching our hands, gods Hands to those around us.
She is not afraid of needs because she understands that she will be provided for. Have you ever wondered if that ministry need may just not fit into our budget as a church. What if this women ignored the needy because it just wasn't in the budget. it says in verse 21 she is not afraid of the snow because her house is clothed. To me this screams of Gods provision through the Holy Spirit as well as the material blessing God has given His body. Imagine if those who claim to be followers of Christ sold out and bought in like the lady described in this passage. never do you her in these verses of the women putting things back. She is not crippled by doubt or fear of what she doesn't have. She is motivated from love to bring glory to her husband.
Verse 26 talks of the words she speaks. Words of wisdom, words of kindness. It's easy to sit behind a computer screen and bash what we are doing wrong. Please do not think that is the intent of this Blog. The opposite is true. I hope that we can all realize the beauty of this women, and hopefully our church, is that each day we are called to this life of less of us. You see the true beauty and wisdom of her words are that they never pointed to her but always to Him.
She raised children that called her blessed just as the church should be raising children that will sing praise of the ones who taught them of the Lord. The ultimate goal of the church is to bring glory to God by raising fruit bearing, reproducing children. As Christians what are we encouraging? Sports, education, recreation, wealth, or maybe even health. Where we have gone astray is that we worship the tools of success, instead of the true meaning of success. All these things are gifts of God to be used to fulfill His will.
You see the danger of the world, Satan's lie, is that we seek favour of man. Everyone wants a pat on the back. You would not find many pastors that would not be happy if their church had 50 visitors next Sunday. However Gods truth is revealed for this woman and us as a church in verse 30. We are called to Fear the Lord. Do we fear the Lord? I'm not talking about running from service to service waiting for His judgement and condemnation. I see a loving spouse seeking to live there life to bring honor and glory to her husband. What if our church where to operate under the premise of these verses. Do you think there would be a lack of volunteers for children's ministry? Would the nominating committee have to meet five times just to fill the spots in your church? Would church staff really have to organize visitation?
I would assume that across America many parents may have participated in a baby dedication today. As you stood before the church you committed to raise your child in the nurturing and admonition of the Lord. What does that look like? For us in our American dream maybe like this. My daughter will grow up going to church as she learns to ride horses, she will learn to play the violin. Her days will be spent playing and laughing as she goes to college to further her education. She will graduate and become a veterinarian as she gets married in her 30's and brings her proud daddy grandchildren. You see I can say that because that's what I used to think.
Today my daughter is 12 and Gods plan for her life may be a little different than mine. She does ride horses, and loves animals. However the violin has never been picked up, instead a flute. College may well be in her future but beyond that my dreams are fading. You see when I have been blessed to see her in Honduras serving in an orphanage I see the will of God. I never imagined 10 years ago that I would want my daughter to move to another country to live a life of poverty serving people who can never pay her back. But that is what God describes in this verse.
The scary part is how this scripture ends. In verse 31 it says to give us the fruits of our hands and let our work be our praise. What fruits are coming from our hands? What will our praise be at the gate?
The little girl at the table above is fighting as we speak. The world tells us it is OK to change the channel on the TV. Flip the page in the paper, Or maybe even close the lid on the laptop. That is what Satan is hoping for. Indifference, you see no one willingly proclaims that want to live a life without compassion or charity. What we do is live a life of feeling overwhelmed and under equipped. Proverbs 31 is not just a story of a Godly Women, it is a story of what we can be when we realize that God has given us all we need to fulfill His will.
I pray that everyone that reads this blog will do two things. The first is to seek to live a life that each day would be less about what we want and more about what God wants. The second would be to live a life described in verse 20. We should all be reaching out to those in need. From the lady who needs her yard mowed or the child with a swollen belly needing food. Gods people depend on Him for there supply. Have you ever wondered if God could use you to supply the need of one of His children. Be obedient and see where He sends you.
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