Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What did you get for Christmas?

                                                         What did you get for Christmas?
In our youth we may have called our best friend on Christmas day and asked "What did you get?".   Even as an adult the question has been asked hundred of times over the last few days "Did you have a good Christmas?.  Our immediate thoughts may turn to what we received or even what we where able to give to our children.  These are not bad things, it is blessed to give and receive.  We give because of our love of for others and in some cases because of the love that Christ has shown us.  God is pleased to see His people giving,  right? 

I think the question I have seen this year is more, what have you seen this Christmas.  Many of us may have spent our first Christmas without a loved one.  Or struggled through this season without the security of a job.  You see when we look back on life there will be very few things that we count as valuable.  What we will hold dear are memories.  Memories of family around a tree, or friends at the table, serving together for the cause of Christ. 

The things I am most thankful for this Christmas are memories of this year.  A year in which we have seen lost souls come to Christ.  A year that has seen families in Tennessee pull together in the aftermath of tornado's to love as Christ loved.  A smile on one of the saints at the Brian center as she received a pair of socks for Christmas.  A young boy who just wanted a Christmas tree for Christmas.   Hundreds of families smiling as they are provided food for the next few days.  A family who's mom is sick and unable to feed them move into a home where food and education are guaranteed.  Christ has truly blessed the Carpenter's Heart over the last 12 months.

These last months have seen the land be paid off, grading completed, water brought to the property, foundation completed, and the block structure complete to the roof.  There where over 300 families feed, over 200 salvation's, 4 baptism's, two baby christening's, beds bought, a child provided with a wheelchair, a debt paid for a refrigerator and all this occurred in a third world country. 

In Tennessee there where 4 families that received some help with things from clean-up after the tornado's to hanging insulation, siding, roofing , and building decks.  All those are things that will one day fade but the love and bond of those involved will never disappear.

We saw over 100 new shoes distributed and many children received backpacks here in northern Buncombe Co and Madison.  Teachers and children alike have seen the stress of going back to school eased as we shared that Christ provides for our needs. 

This year has seen a family receive a simple wheelchair ramp built to ease the burden of access to there house. 

Over the last several months there have been many smiles and even some laughter as members have spent time with the wonderful family of friends at the Brian Center.  Christmas was a time of carolling and handing out over 130 pairs of socks and cards.  Even more than that was time spent talking to dear friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. 

What a year God has blessed us with!!  The things that have been done this year have nothing to do with the people of this ministry, but occur through the power of the Lord.  Christ has blessed this year.  It is always good to reflect on what God has done, but we want to focus on what is ahead as well.  The reason the rear view mirror is smaller than the windshield is to make sure you are always going forward.  We feel God is still calling this ministry to serve, share, and love. 

We want to thank you for the many prayers, the wonderful words, and the financial support that so many have given to allow God to complete His work over the last year.  We want to encourage anyone who may read this to get involved in what God is doing either here or elsewhere.  There are many opportunities for every age and ability to serve the Lord.  We are always seeking volunteers to pray, serve, and love in the name of Christ.

We are planning on continuing all of the ministries listed above into 2012.  To do so we will need prayer warriors, volunteers, and funds.  If you feel led to help in any of these areas we would love to plug you in and get you going to serve the Lord.  You may email us at   or find us on Facebook.  If you would like to make an end of the year tax deductible donation you may do so through pay pal at  You may also make checks out to the Carpenters heart and mail them to PO Box 1220 Weaverville NC 28787.  Remember 100% of all money given will go directly to the mission field and sharing the love of Christ. 

Thank you for your support.  May God bless you and keep you.  Help us eat this elephant one bite at a time.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Seeking to Serve: How do you eat an elephant

Seeking to Serve: How do you eat an elephant: James 1 : 27 Pure religion and undefiled before God the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep...

How do you eat an elephant

James 1 : 27
Pure religion and undefiled before God the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

What does that mean in todays terms?

We can reason in our minds that we could never make a difference, that the problems are far greater than we could ever take on ourselves.  The large numbers of children without parents in the world is an issue for governments to take on, not individuals, right?

Matthew 17: 20
Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If you have the faith as a grain of a mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

The lasting saying from the trip in November will be "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."

On day one of the work at the orphanage there was a pile of dirt that was going to have to be moved by hand and spread throughout the interior of several rooms.  The dirt had the consistency of play-doogh, and the shovels we had just bought seemed to break like toothpicks.  The work was, to say the least discouragingly slow.  As the day progressed one of the team members made the statement that we where eating an elephant.  We laughed until he explained that the only way to do it was simply one bite at a time.  What a statement,  one bite at  a time.

Since God has given us this project their have been days where we have been overwhelmed.  Their has been times of frustration.  Days that we just felt to small to make a difference.  It is on those days I pray that we all realize it is not us who will make a difference, but Christ alone.  You see in the parable of the mustard seed the truth isn't that you just need faith.  The truth is you need faith in Christ and His power to do all things to bring glory to the Father.  As the dirt pile disappeared as the day went on, God was reaffirming that we are on the right path with this project.

From the blessing of seeing a family rescued from a hillside shack, to seeing God raise walls from a corn field.  The little bites only seem little to those on the outside looking in.  You see to the 250 families that received food, or the families who are no longer sleeping on the floor, to the new brothers and sisters in Christ who are no longer headed to eternal suffering there where some very big bites taken out of the elephant.
You see we can't fix the hurts of all the orphans in the world, but it isn't our job.  God calls each and every one of us to minister as He has gifted us.  For some it means building.  For others it may be singing.  Yet others will teach.  Whatever your spiritual gift may be, use it for the glory of the Lord.  As we celebrated Thanksgiving I wondered why has God given so much to my family, and the only response I can think of is that God gave to us to give to others.

We are just around $5,000 short of finishing the block work on the orphanage site.  God truly has blessed this year to see so much of the elephant be eaten away, yet there is more to do.  If you have been blessed by God this year would you consider a donation to this project.  God may not have called you to Honduras, but that doesn't mean He isn't calling you to take a bite.  Pray for this project and the leadership team to stay in the center of Gods will.  Give if you can to this project, every day spent in construction is a day that we are unable to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, and care for the fatherless.

Help us move this mountain and make a difference in the lives of those in Honduras.   Donate today through check @ PO Box 1220, Weaverville NC, 28787 or online via paypal @

Monday, November 14, 2011

Seeking to Serve: Beans, rice and flour for Christ.

Seeking to Serve: Beans, rice and flour for Christ.: What can a couple hundred pounds of rice, beans, and flour do to advance the kingdom of Christ? ...

Beans, rice and flour for Christ.

What can a couple hundred pounds of rice, beans, and flour do to advance the kingdom of Christ?

                                                     James 2 : 15
 "Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes or daily food.  If one of you say to him  Go, I wish you well ; keep warm and fed, but does nothing about the physical needs, what good is it?"  NIV

On November 4th a team of 36 Americans and five Hondurans followed Christ's example to feed His people.  For a week the Carpenter's Heart was allowed to serve Christ simply by handing out a four day supply of food for a family of four to over 250 families.  You may wonder why food, or what good is a week of food?  Simply put, it is what Christ called us to do.

You see all throughout the gospels Christ show us the way to demonstrate true love.  Meet physical needs as an example of the love we have in our hearts for a person.  After we have shown our love in an outward example we can then tell of the reason for our love.  In the same way that Christ came to the world and met physical needs through miracles before He paid the final price for our greatest need, we can do the same as we point to Him.

IN a country the size of Tennessee, there are 7.8 million people living in mostly rural farming communities struggling to survive.  Over 50% of this population lives below the poverty level of less than 745 dollars per year(US).  over 80 percent of the poorest population leave in the mountain's with less than 40% having access to safe drinking water.  To us a week of food doesn't sound like much, but imagine being in the shoes of a 15 year old girl.  Abandoned to care for your 3 younger siblings in a 5 X 5 house on the side of a rain drenched mountain.  As you lay down each night on the dirty floor you pray that you can protect your family and maybe give them a hot meal.  You awake to the reality that you must go to the river to get dirty water and hope that no one will hurt your siblings or even worse take what you may have while you are gone.  You pull a bucket of somewhat clean water and return home to hungry brothers and sisters.  Crime is all around and starvation is a reality you know to well.

This is why Christ fed the hungry, clothed the poor, and loved the hurting.  We are called to do the same.  You have herd and read over the last few years that we are raising money to build an orphanage, but we want you to understand that this is more than an orphanage.  This will be a ministry center that is already  glorifying Christ.  Just last week two of the local residents that are helping build this home came to know the Lord while working with a group from Enon Baptist in Marshall NC.  This is just one of hundreds of stories of what God is doing through this ministry.

Last week while visiting a village around the work site we where amazed to see over 100 families come from the mountains to get a few simple gifts and here the Gospel.  Thanks to the prayers and support of so many this team of 36 was allowed to love on people in the name of Jesus.  It has an eternal impact not only on those who received the food but even more those who where able to share in the giving. 

This building can not be built fast enough.  There are many more families that are hungry, more children without clothes, and most importantly there are children without parents or a home.  We pray that as Thanksgiving approaches you consider giving to complete this project and allow the real work to begin.  Block, mortar, and steel are the necessities of the building but just as Christ described the church as the people this project is the same.  The sooner the structure is in place, the sooner lives can be changed.  Not just food or education but the hope for eternal salvation.

Help make the dream of  daily meals and the security of a family a reality for children just like these.  Your donations will further the  kingdom of Christ as we all show the love first showed us.

                                                                      Luke 11: 11-13
If  a son shall ask bread any of you that is father, will he give him a stone?   Or if he asks a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?  Or if he shall ask and egg, will he offer a scorpion. If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto children; how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

What will you give?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Why go to Honduras?

In less than two weeks 36 men, women, and young adults will board a plane from Atlanta and head towards San Pedro Sula Honduras.  Many may ask why leave?  Why risk your family and there safety?  Why not just send money?  Why not someone else?

The simple answer is, God commanded us all to go and make disciple's of all nations.  In a time where there is pain and suffering next door, why go a world away?  The love of Christ was not withheld from anyone due to proximity, color, or economic background.  Plan and simple the Gospel of Grace was given to all so that the Glory of God will be known to all.  As followers of Christ this group seeks to show love to those who are without love.  To help feed those without food, and cover those without clothes.  In James it clearly spells out the works that faith will produce when it is truly alive. 

From November 4th - 12th this group will have many opportunities both planned and unplanned to minister in love.  From holding a abandoned child, to mixing concrete for a house of hope, cooking rice for the hungry, but most importantly a smile and simply sharing some time with a creation of Christ.  You see this trip is about realizing that each and every person is a beautiful creation of the Father.  That we are all worthy of love no matter how much money we may or may not have, the color of our skin, the language we speak.  God calls us simply to love as He loves us. 

Missions are not about the flight, or about the work.  Missions in its simplest definition is loving others where they are and just how they are because Christ loved them first.  What is important to the master should be important to the servant. 

Please pray that this team from 8 different churches, and with a 50 year difference from young to old.  Pray not for safety or comfort.  Pray that each and every member of team will be open to the moving of the Holy Spirit.  Pray for the the hearts and minds of those we may meet to be open and ready to hear the Gospel.  Pray for the needs of those in Honduras.  Remember to lift up the translators as they convey Gods message from one language to the other.   Lastly please pray that not only in Honduras but wherever we may be that we glorify God by our words, service, and actions.

If you would like to give to this trip there is still time to make a donation to be used for ministry to orphans and the hungry.  We will be visiting two orphanage's who are in need of supplies as well as several villages that are struggling to find enough food to survive.  You may make a donation via pay pal at or mail your checks to PO box 1220, Weaverville, NC 28787 with Nov trip in memo section.    For more infoyou may also call Andy @828-775-6646

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fish Fry Sat Oct 15 from 4-7pm

If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily foo, and one of you says to them, Go in peace, be warmed and filled, without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? 
                                                                                                                               James 2 : 15-16  ESV

God truly has blessed thus far this year.  The response from several trips to Tennessee, Operation Soul Saver, and the amount of work done on the orphanage is all far greater than the Carpenter's Heart team could have ever imagined.  We are continually amazed by the outpouring of love and service from the people that have been involved with Gods work this year.  We want to thank you for the continued prayers and support that has poured in this year.  We realize that the hliday season is quickly approaching and know how busy this time can become. 
We will be traveling to visit our brothers and sisters in Christ in Honduras the first week in November and are making a last push to raise money for the orphanage before this trip.  For the past few weeks we have been blessed to keep the guys working on a week to week basis in attempts to finish on or near our November trip.  In response will are having a Fish Fry @ Locust Grove Baptist Churc in Weaverville this Sat Oct 15 from 4-7pm.  This will be one of the final fundraisers for this calendar year.  We will be serving fish(or hot dogs), fries, slaw and drink for $5.  Where can you find a deal  like that.  Please pass this along to any and all of your family and friends.  We realize how much you have sacrificed this year to make this project such a success and thank you form the bottom of our hearts.  Please consider joining us and bringing this verse in James to life as we not only pray for the hungry and naked but work to serve those in Honduras.

The Church is located at 305 Locust Grove Rd in Weaverville NC 28787
Please help pass this along to any and all your friends as we hope to see 150 -250 of our dearest friends come out and help share the love of Christ.

Friday, September 16, 2011

What can a few miles and a few dollars do?

                                                           Fall 5k & 1 Mile Fun Run
Have you ever heard the saying "if you could only walk a mile in my shoes"?  Think just a minute if you where to exchange the life we have here in the US and instead where born into a typical Honduran family.  The life of a child for an average family in this Central American Country is very different from that of our own children.?  In America we ask whats for supper,there the question is are we going to be able to eat supper.  Here we ask if the children like school, there the question is do you have the money to be able to attend school.  We ask when was our last check-up from the doctor, there the question is how can we get to a doctor, and then how can we pay.  Here we are concerned with the up keep of our homes there many people are asking where they might sleep each night.

Join us October 8th @ Carrier Park off of Amboy Rd in Asheville for a 5k and fun run to help make a better life for the children of Honduras.  There are two ways to get involved.  There will be a 1 mile fun run starting at 9am with an entry fee of $10 per person.  There is also a 5k that will start at 9:45 with an entry fee of $25.  Registration for both events can be done online at now until October 6th at 5pm.  There will also be race day registration available starting at 8:15am on race day inside the racetrack.  We would like to invite you to come and walk a mile or 5K in there shoes.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Seeking to Serve: Urgent Call for Help.

Seeking to Serve: Urgent Call for Help.: What really is important as Christians? What truly pleases God? What are we doing that fits into these categories? These questions seem ...

Urgent Call for Help.

What really is important as Christians?  What truly pleases God?  What are we doing that fits into these categories?

These questions seem deep and almost unanswerable to many.  I have herd, and even said myself "If I only knew what God wanted me to do."  Well the answer friends is spelled out in a love letter written to you.  In Gods word it makes it so simple I think we miss it.  Feed the Hungry, Visit the sick, Cloth the naked,  Care for the sick, and comfort the grieving in His name.  Seems so easy to read yet are we doing it?  We talk about protests and the state of society, but what are we doing to show Gods love ourselves.  Life is not about us doing better than the world, it is about seeking to glorify God with our every action. 

People will gather by the hundreds for a party to celebrate sin, or listen to music that blasphemes God and glorifies sin.  Where are the Christians willing to gather to do Gods will.  There are ministries much like this one all over WNC fighting to get by and help as many as they can, while we as Christians go to church on Sunday and think we are doing enough.  What if Half of the Christians in Buncombe County where to sell out.   Not for a show or a service but sell out for God.  Like we read in Acts.  Church fundraising and ministries struggling would be a thing of the past.  You see the greatest time of spiritual growth is when we seek God fully and ignore our own comforts. 

What if we loved like Jesus?  What if we gave a a tithe of all we have, time, money, attention and love. Would our world look different?

I feel God calling on this community to a life of revival.  Not just pitching a tent and huddling together for a few days of pep talks from Gods word.  I mean full on transformational reform through Gods Holy Spirit to change this community from the inside out.   God is still in the miracle business and just like in the days of Ninevah all we must do is humble ourselves turn to Christ and repent of our sins. 

The child in the picture above is no different than the child you may tuck into bed tonight.  He was lovingly made by the creator to Glorify the maker.  Yet by Gods design he will go to bed hungry, his dad has left to find work, and his mom cannot go to the doctor because she has no car to get there.  His sister can't go to school because she can't buy the shoes required.  His Grandmother passed away from asthma, and her baby sister is on deaths door due to diarrhea and lack of clean water.

What can you do?

Feed them, cloth them, comfort them, simply love them.  The first way is to support ministries and church groups that are doing Gods will.  Then get involved, get active,  give of your time, prayers and even your money.  Lastly go yourself.  Whether on the streets of Asheville or in the trails of Honduras  God is placing people in need in front of each of us daily.  It is not the work of missionaries, pastors, or preachers.  It is our privilege and responsibility to show the love of Christ. 

If you would like to join in a movement like this come out to Fatz next Sat Sept 10th and eat pancakes for $7 per person.  This money and any extra you may give will go %100 to the changing of children's lives to glorify God.  Please join us in Enka as we seek to ignite the world for the lost and the hurting.

If you are busy that Saturday set aside Oct 8th and join us as we Race two Reach Honduras @ Carrier Park in a 5k and a fun run.  Couldn't we all sacrifice a morning and a day at the movies to change the lives of children in honor of Christ.

Register online or donate now at

Sunday, August 14, 2011

When Pigs Fly BBQ and Carshow

This Saturday Aug 20th is a big day in in the process of building the orphanage in Honduras.  For the last 2 months work on the orphanage has been at a stand still.  We are much further along than we could have ever imagined.  Over half of the block structure is complete, and the foundation for the other side is well on its way.  We Are very thankful for the support this project has received by friends, family, and brothers and sisters in Christ.  We understand that the economy is a scary, but God is bigger than any problem we may be facing.  This Saturday we are hosting a day of fundraising with many chances to come and be a part of God plan in this village town of Honduras.

Trinity of Fairview we will be hosting a 3-3 basketball tournament at Newbridge Baptist.  This is open to anyone age 21 or under.  Entry fee is $30 per team with up to 4 players.  Please call Tanner Narron @ 828-458-2440.  Please call by Friday @ 7 to enter.

There will be a car show held from 10am until 3:30pm  Entry fee will be $10 and you may register at the show from 10am until 12pm.  Judging will be from noon to3pm with trophies awarded at 3:30pm.  This is an open show for all makes and models of cars and bikes.  To enter or to get more information please call Andy Plemmons @ 828-775-6646.

Family Festival will be open from 10am-4pm.  There will be Inflatables, cotton candy, sno cones, face painting, and more for you and your family to take in as you enjoy the car show and basketball tourney.  We will have concessions available as well until 3:30.  something

Starting at 4pm come and get the best meal deal in Asheville for the day.  We will be serving BBQ, hushpuppies, coleslaw, baked beans, and a drink for $5.  We will have take out available and will even deliver for orders over 10 plates or $50 dollars.  To call ahead and order you may call 828-279-3021.  We will be serving until 8:00pm.

This day holds great promise for this project.  Construction is waiting on funding,  the only thing keeping the structure from completion in 11 weeks is money,  $19,900 is what we project to finish this phase of building.  This is an extremely large sum of money, however we serve an amazing God.  We pray that this Saturday would make a great dent in this.  We are hoping for a great turnout for all the events of this day.  If you are looking for something to do next Saturday come join us and bring the family as we make this dream of a home reality for 40 children in Honduras.

Always remember that if you cannot make it to the event you can always send a tax-deductible  donation via Pay Pal at or send a check to Carpenters Heart @ PO Box 1220 Weaverville NC 28787.  All funds donated go directly to the mission field, no person within this organization receives a salary or help in funding there trips from any donated money.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Operation Soul Saver 2011

                                                                   Back 2 School
For kids it brings either excitement or dread.   For teachers it can mean back to the grind.  For parents around Madison and Northern Buncombe County it can mean the added financial strain of shoes, backpacks, and other supplies.  In the book of James it references "what good is it if you see a brother naked and do not cloth him".  It is with this in mind we look forward to Saturday August 13th and a chance to love our brothers and sisters in Christ by trying to meet physical needs in order to share the Gospel.  Over the last 3 years  Operation Soul Saver has put shoes on the feet of over 300 children and assisted in suppling the necessities for school.  This year from 4-6pm we will be eagerly awaiting the chance to serve anyone in need with what we have while it lasts.  We will be distributing shoes, backpacks, and school supplies to any who need a hand.  This will take place in Marshall NC at Enon Baptist church.  This ministry is only possible thanks to the support of many area churches including, Enon, Barnardsville, Morgan Hill, Flat Creek, and many others.   There is still time to donate items to be used in this ministry by dropping it off either at Enon Baptist, Barnardsville Baptist, or calling Andy Plemmons @ 828-775-6646 for pick up.  
Join us this Saturday August 13th in loving like Jesus!

Enon Baptist Church
174 Ammons Branch Rd
Marshall NC 28753

Monday, May 23, 2011

What a blessing this last trip was.   The work that this team accomplished through God is mind blowing.  From the evangelism opportunities in the school, from the door to door visitation, to the work on the orphanage God truly blessed.  The support of so many made this trip a success.  Our prayer is that God is continually glorified not only in Honduras but here in the states as well.  We are so blessed to have the partnership of many wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ that allow God to produce miracles here and abroad. 
The foundation is almost complete, there have been almost 4,000 block placed and most importantly over 300 confessions of faith.  The work here is only just beginning.  We pray that you continue to partner with us in any way you feel lead.  We are always in need of prayer for the work that is ongoing on this project, for the safety of the workers, for the continued growth in Christ of our friends in Honduras, and a clear direction from Gods will on this project.    We are also planning a trip in November.  The dates fro this trip will be Nov 5-12.  Tickets are currently $385 dollars and can be ordered at anytime.  There will be another $300 due the day of the trip.   This will cover all expenses for the week.  If you are interested please call Doug or Andy as plane tickets change daily.  We are also in need of monetary support.  The current work expenses are running at around $1,300 per week.  You may join us at Chilli's this week on Thursday and present this article for a Chilli's giveback day.  Anyone who presents this article will give 10% of there total bill to the Carpenters Heart.    You may always donate through Paypal at or mail a check directly to us at PO Box 1220, Weaverville NC 28787. 

Doug Garrison 712-6406
Andy Plemmons 775-6646

Monday, May 16, 2011

Where does your joy come from?

James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this; to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

What have you experienced this week to feel happiness.  Was it a special meal out on the town, a purchase of something not needed but really wanted.  Could it be the a walk in the mountains, or just the simple smile of your child after a day of fun at the park.  There are millions around the world that will  never experience any of those things, yet they are full of a joy that is unmistakable.  Where does there joy come from? More importantly how do I attain it and pass it along to my children. 

Joy of this nature comes from one place or should I say person alone.  God details in the book of James not how to be saved but how our lives should look after salvation.  For a big part of my life I assumed that God called me to sacrifice because I needed to suffer  for my sins.  I was incorrect in my thinking.  God doesn't call us to a life of sacrifice for our punishment.  If that was the true, then He would have never had to suffer on the cross.  You see the life of sacrifice He is calling me, really us, to is for our own benefit.  For the first time in my life the truth of the statistics that 3 million people are living on less than a dollar a day is real.  Not just something I tell my Sunday School class, or something I hope my daughter grasps.  I was shown what true happiness comes from over the last few years while serving in Honduras. 

The picture you see above is from the home of a  single young mother named Maria.  Her and her seven children ages 16 through 6 live in a two room home that is about 10ft X 10ft.  When we first met there was one bed for three of the children and a mat for Marie to sleep on.  There kitchen with a wood burning  plaster and iron stove and nothing else was barren of food.  The water from the mountain side is unfiltered.
The heat on the day we met was almost unbearable with no fans and no ac(or windows for that matter).  As we walked down a worn path to this beautiful Honduran home we where greeted with a smile only God could inspire. 

We where there in the village to hand out beans and rice as a means to share Christ, little did we know she was going to witness to us.  We found Maria in her hammock.  You see Maria age 35 is suffering from a 2 year bought with what was described as a lung and bone disease.  All 80lbs of her where smiling as she received food to feed her children where only minutes before there was none.  As we sat with her and herd her story our hearts where broken.  After becoming ill her husband had left her to care for the children by herself.  As her health had declined she was no longer able to do even the simplest of tasks.  Her oldest children where now carrying her to the hammock each morning and back to her mat each night.  She is now unable to eat anything but baby formula.  Baby formula that she had been out of for several days before we arrived.  Yet when we asked if she knew God her eyes became alive and she smiled as she told how she would have her children read from Gods Word each day.  She explained that God was what was carrying her through day to day.

Over the next couple of days money that had been donated went to fill her kitchen with over 100lbs of beans.  We where also able to secure 4 cans of enfamil, several bags of pasta, 25lbs of rice and other food.  We where also able to put shoes on the feet of all seven children and Maria herself.  God was also able to provide some medicines  for the children as well as clothes for everyone in the family.  One of the simplest but most appreciated blessings God allowed us to share was the gift of a bed.This bed not only allowed Maria to get off of a mat and her children off the floor.  A simple bed and pillow, something I have taken for granted all of my life gave her joy.

We have been truly blessed to see so many stories playing out in front of us over the last 5 years.  Stories that would not be possible without the prayer and support so many have offered.  We pray that you hear Gods call to find joy in your life.  See the reason Christ told the rich young ruler to sell his possessions and the reason we are called in James to put our faith in motion is not a punishment.  It is Gods call to each of us to have purpose to our lives.  He commands you and I to serve not to make us a slave but to free us from our own slavery.  There are many more Maria's and others not only in Honduras but around the world.  Please consider a donation to allow us to serve, feed, and just love people in the name of Christ. 

The Orphanage is coming along well over the last few weeks.  Construction is in full blast as we have seen the foundation come to near completions and interior and exterior walls grow from the ground.  Please continue to support this project.  At a cost of near $1,300 per week we are praying for God to provide.

Look for Gods joy in your life, it is the only joy that is everlasting.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Small gifts, big blessings

The Carpenters Heart has just returned from an amazing trip to serve God in Honduras.  While there
we where blessed to worship and serve with our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is such a blessing to see the hand of God at work in lives here and abroad.  Several years ago it was our pleasure to meet an amazing woman with a true heart for God that was caring for her daughter who is living with Cerebral Palsy.  This amazing lady is the spiritual leader of her home and is always seen with a smile on her face and joy in her heart.  Last year through a translator we where able to ask if there is anything we could do to ease her burden..  She said if it may be possible that a wheelchair would make things much easier, you see she was transporting her daughter in a child's stroller.  A stroller that was meant for a 2-3 year year old child, not the 12 year old that was pushed and crammed inside.  Through an amazing donation and God's provision a wheelchair was donated to the Carpenter's Heart.  Unfortunately the chair was the wrong size for the young lady.  We where just a few days away from the trip but God had a plan.  Through Gods open doors we where able to trade that chair for a perfect fit through another non-profit in Hendersonville(Susie's Closet).  Thanks to Susie's Closet God answered prayers in Honduras.  The thing that will stand out to me about this trip is the honest fact that Jesus Christ is enough.  If all we have is Chris,t it is still enough.   The Bible is clear that God will sustain through whatever we may face.  Our trials are nothing in comparison to the hunger and suffering that  a large part of the world will be facing tonight as we go to bed.  You see what I learned from this trip is that I have fooled myself into thinking that I am doing pretty good for myself.  In reality God has blessed me and allowed me a family, job,  and a church.  None of this has come by anything I have done myself but are all gifts from God.  If God was to remove the blessing's of my life I pray that I would live with the faith and love of Christ that I have seen demonstrated in Honduras.
  The money that has been given to this ministry is going to share the love of Christ and encourage the warriors of the faith that are pressing on towards serving Christ the King.  Over 95% of the money given and raised by the Carpenters Heart  goes directly to the mission field.  There are no salaries, and none of the money goes towards the travel and ministry expenses.  Each team member pays there own way for these trips as well as giving above to be used in the ministry while there.  I want to thank anyone and everyone who has blessed this ministry over the last two years with your prayers and monetary gifts.  I also pray that you seek God's will in what you will do from this day forward.  The orphanage is moving along at God's pace, which is much faster than  we had planned.  We have a Honduran general contracotr that has a team ready to lay block and finish the foundation and rough in the plumbing.  This portion of the project will run at the expense of about $1,800 per week.  That will get approximately 1,500 block layed along with the material needed to do so.  This team is prepared to complete 20 meters of wall per week.  This is a tall bill, a bill that only God can provide for.  We are currently scheduled to resume work May 2nd and are praying to work straight through November and our next trip.  Please follow Gods call in helping provide for this project if you are able.   We are able to accept donations through our paypal @ or you may mail a tax deductible donation by check to PO Box1220, Weaverville NC 28787.  We are always available to speak about this project or missions in general to any group large or small.  If you have questions about this project or would like to come with us on a future trip please call Andy @ 828-775-6646.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April 10-18

Please lift up the team that will be leaving next Sunday from Atlanta to travel to Honduras to begin construction on the orphanage as well as minister to the people of Honduras.  This will be our largest team to travel, please pray that all the logistical details would be worked out according to God's will.  Pray for the people of Honduras to be open in mind and heart to receive God and His gift of salvation.   Pray for the Holy Spirit to move among and through this group as we seek to serve an awesome God.  Pray specifically for the health of those laying block and mixing concrete.  Pray for the High School seniors that will be sharing the gospel with students in three different school systems.  Pray for the several orphanages that we will be working with in the afternoons as we share the Gospel as well as share the love of Christ.  Most of all please pray that God will be glorified by this trip.
We will try our best to send updates and pictures when possible.  It is never to late to make a donation to help this cause.  Money is still needed for construction, food, and medicine's.  Thank you to the many brothers and sisters in Christ that make this possible.  Remember we are planning a trip Nov 6-12 if you are interested.  Sign up early to get the cheapest airfare.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Carpenter's Heart 5k and fun run

     Saturday March 26th please join us at Carrier Park on Amboy Rd. in Asheville for the first annual Carpenter's Heart 5k and fun run.  Thanks to the wonderful support of our sponsors and volunteers we will be hosting this charity race to raise funds for the building of an orphanage in SanFrancisco Honduras.  Money from this race will specifically go towards the cost of putting the foundation in place.  Work began in mid-February. 
      We are registering runners and walkers online now @ and follow the race links.  This will be open until Friday March 25th @ 5pm.  You may also register on race day from 8-9:30am.  Remember to register early to assure you get a race t-shirt and gift bag.  Your $25 entry fee will pay for a days labor for a mason as well as buy 8 blocks. 
     This certified course is a great run for any and all ages.  Race will begin at 9:45 with awards to follow as soon as scoring is complete.  There will be medals awarded to the first through third place finisher in each of the 8 different age groups.  There will also be a first overall for men and woman that will include a gift tour with Navitiat Canopy tours.
     In addition to the 5k there will also be a fun run starting at 9am.  The entry fee for this is $10 with online registration available at  Online registration will close on Friday March 25th at 5pm.  You may also register for this event from 8-8:50 on the day of the walk.  We will award participation medals to children under 12 who take part in this walk(while supplies last). 
    In addition to the medals and gift bags we will be raffling off 4 prize packs each valued at over $100 dollars.  Each person who enters either event will receive 4 tickets with extra's available for purchase at $1 each.  Items in these prize packs include gift cards to Applebee's, Athens, Bellagio, Carmel's, Carrabbas, Cakes by Jane, Olive Garden, tickets to the Titanic Experience in Pigeon Forge, Cd's, Shirts, D-feet socks from Foot Rx, and much more. 
   Please come join us as we run for a reason.  Help make the first annual Carpenters Heart 5k and fun run a success.  Each entry fee helps bring the dream of a young boy or girl closer to the reality of a place to call home, 3 meals a day, and an opportunity to attend school.  The urgency of this project is hard to understand, but if you can just imagine living on two meals per week, no money to go to a doctor, and no money to attend school.  This is what this race is for. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Seeking to Serve:                                                   ...

Seeking to Serve: ...: " &n..."

                                                                   God is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Monday February 21 the foundation for the orphanage began to be put in place.  Four local Honduran men are currently working on digging the footers and pouring what will serve as the foundation of this home for the forgotten.  We have been blessed to be able to see God bring this project along much faster than our dreams could  have imagined. 
We will be taking two teams down in April for our largest group to date.  There will be 32 people in Honduras from April 10-18 spreading the love of Christ as the speak, serve, and work.  Please be in prayer for this team as we are all preparing to do Gods will.  There will be many different opportunities for the people of Honduras to hear the Gospel on this trip.  Please be in prayer for the many aspects of this work/ministry trip.  The morning will consist of work on the property,  mixing concrete, laying block, bending rebar, etc.  We will spend time in the afternoon's going door to door and sharing food and the gospel with our new neighbors.  We will most likely spend some time with some of the five local churches we have partnered with in the past as well.  There will also be 3 Gospel presentations at local schools, this will be led by the seniors of Trinity of Fairview. 
We are excited about what God is doing in this ministry and know He will provide for His will to be accomplished.  If God is speaking to you about helping with this ministry please follow His call.  The foundation is one of the more expensive portions of this project.  To keep things going with material and workers we need to be able to send around $1,300 per week for the next 25 weeks.  AS you can see money will be used quickly during this process.   Please consider a donation either through PayPal or by attending an upcoming event.
We are currently registering runners or walkers for the upcoming 5k and 1 mile fun run/walk.  You can enter this event online by clicking on the race link.  Just think each $25 5k entry fee will pay for the labor of the mason for a day as well as buy about 10 blocks, even if you cannot run come walk and help these beautiful people.  There is also a $10  fun run/walk,  this is a great opportunity to teach your children or youth about the need to help those in need.  Each walk registration will pay for  a bag of concrete and 6 blocks.  Please invite your Sunday School, BoyScout troop, Girl Scout troop, work team, to come and do this as a team.  There will also be a spaghettii supper Saturday March 6th @ Barnardsville Baptist from 6-8pm.  This will be a love offering for this project and take out will be availabale.

We hope to see you at an upcoming event.  God bless.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What can pancakes do to change the world?

What does bacon, pancakes, sausage, and fruit have in common with rice, beans and a home?  For $7 you can join us at Fatz Cafe on Smokey Park Hwy on February 5th from 7:30-11:00am and eat a pancake breakfast that will provide meals and a home for the children of Honduras.  Come and enjoy pancakes, sausage or  bacon, fruit and a drink for $7 (children under 6 free) and $4 of that will go to help build the orphanage in Honduras.  Thanks to the great staff and management at Fatz we will also be able to collect donations and all tips as members of the Carpenters Heart will serve as the wait staff and busboys and gals.  This is a great opportunity to bring the whole family out and share a good meal and give you a chance to show your children that there are many around the world in need.

Please Consider coming out and helping us raise funds for phase II as we begin to put the foundation in place for our April teams to begin to lay block.  We have received a quote of $21,000 to complete the foundation. As you can see we have a large mountain to climb just as we did last year, however our God can do things we cannot even imagine.

I recently herd an explanation of an often herd parable.  Faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain.  Maybe that isn't always having faith that God will move the mountain with a miracle, maybe it means that we should all band together as Christians and take a shovel at a time and move the mountain ourselves.  There are over 100 churches in Buncombe County alone and if each church would send 10 people to the breakfast we would serve 1,000 meals at $4 per person.  $4,000 would be a great start towards the orphanage.  Please come out and be a part of what God is doing just by showing up.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What would your help do?

What would your money do?  Ever wondered what that change lying on the dresser is worth?  How many of us have a place in our car where we throw loose change?  How many ladies do you know whose pocket book has loose change floating around? 

Here is an interesting stat.  In 2008 there where over 206,000 people living in Buncombe County alone.  Just think if each one of us gave a dollar in change.  What would that $206,000 dollars do?  What is the price of hope.  Well in Honduras I can tell you that for the thousands of Men,Women, and children living on nothing more than tortilla's and fruit if anything at all.  A months worth of food can be purchased for around $60 dollars.  A home for a family like you see above costs $500.  If we could come together as a county and search our couch and cars for the loose change we might have what could our forgotten money do to help the forgotten people around the world. 

This ministry is currently working to follow Gods will for a piece of land in Honduras.  The vision we have been given will give a home for up to 40 children with no where to live.  It will eventually employee people who cannot find work.  It will be equipped to feed up to 200 people a day.  It will show these beautiful people that they are loved and valued.  By showing them love we show that our Father cares.  I herd a quote and cannot remember by who that said while your people plan and prepare our people are dying.  As we sit here in our snow covered mountains and hope for warmer days, there are people connected to the same piece of dirt we are standing on that are starving.  There are children who have been abandoned on the streets and will not eat today.  There are husbands who will spend the day searching for fruits and vegetables to feed there family.  While we wait to see if school will be canceled most families around Central America are looking for enough money to send their children to school to get an elementary education.

God didn't bless us to bring guilt upon us.  We weren't placed here because God loves us more than those in third world countries.  You see we are all loved in Gods eyes.  Maybe God gave us the blessings of comfort and extra material things in order to serve.  You see life and happiness isn't about how much you can attain.  If you look at the life of Jesus he was all about using what was available to meet the needs of those around Him.  Right now I would say each person reading this post has an extra Bible to be given to a new believer.  We all would have a spare coat in the closet that might help that man on the street through the night.  We all have a few dimes and nickels laying around to help build an orphanage.  We probably even have a few cans of food to go to the food bank to give a meal to those around you.

Phase II has begun for the orphanage project in Honduras.  What does that mean, and what can you do.  Well the first step in this long and rewarding walk is a foundation.  We know that the Bible talks about the foundation quite a bit.  We often forget how important the foundation of a building is.  It is the unseen and forgotten part of what is visible to the world.  The strength in the foundation supports the life of the structure.  We have received the quote for the cost of the foundation.  We will need to raise a total of $21,000 to complete this step.   When you look at this number it looks unattainable.  For anyone in this ministry $21,000 is an amount of money that represents a good part of a years salary.  The only way this money will be raised is through Gods strength and His people getting involved.  If 1/4 of the over 200,000 folks where to give a dollar tonight the money would be raised instantly.  What if you where called to more?  What if you mobilized the people you work with, or your families, or your school.  What could you do? 

These are some examples.

The steel will cost $5.70 each and we will need 105 pieces for a total of $600
Block is a little less than a dollar a piece with 3,500 for a total of $3,500
Sand will be be $163 a truck load, seven loads will be $1,141
Gravel will be the same  7 loads for a total of $1,141
We will need 600 bags of cement at $7 per bag for a total of $4,200
We will need wire for the columns to hold the re bar together that will total $217
We need wood and nails to for framing the columns to total $700
Materials will cost a little over $12,000

Grading will  cost just a little over $1,400

The estimate for the labor to build the foundation will be around $8,000

We hope and pray that you see what God has given each of us and do with it what He is calling us to. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Fun Depot Jan 14th 5-8pm

We hope everyone has had a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year.   We would like to have everyone come together and join in a night of fun for a reason on Jan 14th.  We have been blessed to partner with the Fun Depot.  They are allowing us to provide you with a special discount on the 2hr fun card.  What is normally a $20 card that will get you 2 hours of video games and 2 big attraction items will be specially priced at $15.  The best part is that for every person that asks for the Carpenters Heart special we will receive a $5 donation.  We have been blessed to be able to purchase the land and begin grading, water, and preparation for the foundation over the first 8 months of this project.  God has done amazing things in 2010 and we would love to spend some time and share with you a little of  how He  has worked here and abroad.  We will be sharing information about the trip that we where able to take in November as well as share about the upcoming trip in April of this year.  We will begin laying block on this trip and therefore we must raise money for a couple of different aspects of this project.  We will have to pay for three phases before April.  The first will be the digging of the foundation, this will begin most likely before Jan 14th and the Fun Depot fundraiser.  This will cost $1,500.  The second will be buying the material needed for the foundation.  This will include concrete, re-bar, and block at a cost of $14,100.  The third will be labor to put these materials in place at a cost of $7,500.  We are planning to have the foundation completely finished so we can begin construction on the walls when we arrive in April.  Please come and play with a purpose on Jan 14th.  Please remember to ask for the Carpenters Heart special, that is the only way you will get the discount and the only way we will get the donation.  Please tell all your friends and family about this wonderful opportunity to help change the lives of the children of Honduras.