What really is important as Christians? What truly pleases God? What are we doing that fits into these categories?
These questions seem deep and almost unanswerable to many. I have herd, and even said myself "If I only knew what God wanted me to do." Well the answer friends is spelled out in a love letter written to you. In Gods word it makes it so simple I think we miss it. Feed the Hungry, Visit the sick, Cloth the naked, Care for the sick, and comfort the grieving in His name. Seems so easy to read yet are we doing it? We talk about protests and the state of society, but what are we doing to show Gods love ourselves. Life is not about us doing better than the world, it is about seeking to glorify God with our every action.
People will gather by the hundreds for a party to celebrate sin, or listen to music that blasphemes God and glorifies sin. Where are the Christians willing to gather to do Gods will. There are ministries much like this one all over WNC fighting to get by and help as many as they can, while we as Christians go to church on Sunday and think we are doing enough. What if Half of the Christians in Buncombe County where to sell out. Not for a show or a service but sell out for God. Like we read in Acts. Church fundraising and ministries struggling would be a thing of the past. You see the greatest time of spiritual growth is when we seek God fully and ignore our own comforts.
What if we loved like Jesus? What if we gave a a tithe of all we have, time, money, attention and love. Would our world look different?
I feel God calling on this community to a life of revival. Not just pitching a tent and huddling together for a few days of pep talks from Gods word. I mean full on transformational reform through Gods Holy Spirit to change this community from the inside out. God is still in the miracle business and just like in the days of Ninevah all we must do is humble ourselves turn to Christ and repent of our sins.
The child in the picture above is no different than the child you may tuck into bed tonight. He was lovingly made by the creator to Glorify the maker. Yet by Gods design he will go to bed hungry, his dad has left to find work, and his mom cannot go to the doctor because she has no car to get there. His sister can't go to school because she can't buy the shoes required. His Grandmother passed away from asthma, and her baby sister is on deaths door due to diarrhea and lack of clean water.
What can you do?
Feed them, cloth them, comfort them, simply love them. The first way is to support ministries and church groups that are doing Gods will. Then get involved, get active, give of your time, prayers and even your money. Lastly go yourself. Whether on the streets of Asheville or in the trails of Honduras God is placing people in need in front of each of us daily. It is not the work of missionaries, pastors, or preachers. It is our privilege and responsibility to show the love of Christ.
If you would like to join in a movement like this come out to Fatz next Sat Sept 10th and eat pancakes for $7 per person. This money and any extra you may give will go %100 to the changing of children's lives to glorify God. Please join us in Enka as we seek to ignite the world for the lost and the hurting.
If you are busy that Saturday set aside Oct 8th and join us as we Race two Reach Honduras @ Carrier Park in a 5k and a fun run. Couldn't we all sacrifice a morning and a day at the movies to change the lives of children in honor of Christ.
Register online or donate now at www.carpetnersheart.org
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