Have you ever wondered why you don't serve God as much as you would like to? I feel that I could be doing more at times. I hear of needs sometimes after they are fulfilled and wonder why didn't I do that.
I think the answer may be in our eyes. You see many people including myself look at the world through tinted glasses. Sometimes we even pull the shades of our eyes to avoid the unpleasant sights we may be encountering. Even the Pharisee's looked through at the people with these tinted glasses. I feel we sometimes get so caught up in what the deacons are wearing that we ignore the young lady in tears on the back pew. When is the last time we asked about that person in church that hasn't been there in over 2 months? Why did we wait so long or did we just not notice.
You see much like hitting a baseball. To do it well you have to concentrate on seeing the ball. Watching the spin as it leaves the pitchers hand. When was the last time you walked into a strangers house and looked at it not in judgement but for what they may need.
I learned in baseball if I wasn't completely focused on watching the ball, I would miss.
When was the last time we completely focused in Christ and what He is calling us to. You see if you call yourself a Christian then by definition you wish to live like He did. Any quick glance at any of the Gospels will quickly show that Christ came to serve those in need. He was always aware of the needs around Him. Whether it was turning water into wine or washing dirty feet. Are you willing to go out and seek to serve. Not just say it but too look into the eyes of your neighbor and ask "What can I do for you."
Whether the answer is go to Honduras or simply cut some firewood Jesus has a calling for you. Seek and you shall find.
Never let these words take away from your time alone in prayer, devotion, or study of the Bible.
Use them as extra encouragement to get closer to God
Concentrate on Him, Keep your eyes open to ways to serve.www.carpentersheart.org
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