Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Have ever thought about how much stuff we have forgotten. From the trivial things of our youth like your favorite baseball players batting average, to the important dates like your spouses birthday. We live in a time of knowledge and information to the point of overload. We often consume enough information in a single conversation to fill a page worth of notes. If you wish to you can pull information of the Internet at any moment on how to bake an apple pie or repair the toilet that wont stop running. A single newscast today contains more information and statistics than most minds can comprehend. The bad thing about all this information is that it distracts us from facts. The fact is that there is a reality to knowing that today 6,000 people will die of hunger related issues. There are no names to it. There are no faces. Until you know someone suffering of malnutrition or have looked into the eyes of the hungry, numbers are easily forgotten. You see God didn't look at the overwhelming number of people that where sinning. He looked into the eyes of the children He created. He felt the burden for those condemned for there own actions and knew He had to do something to give hope. He sent His son to make a way for you and me. You see when we take time to look past stats and information we might find something in ourselves. When we step into a nursing home and see the faces of the forgotten. When we walk into the orphanage and smell the neglect for ourselves. If you walk into the home and see the holes in the roof and the empty pantry something inside will change. It is wonderful that there are so many programs here in America, but while we plan and organize and have grand parties for fundraiser's. People are starving, freezing, dying. I herd it said that all we talk about anymore is Honduras, and that may be true. The faces are all I can picture. The people who have no food, no where to go work. I have come to the point in my life where I am ashamed. Ashamed of what I have, what I do. In the book Radical by David Platt it talks about how as a whole Christianity has walked away from the truth of the Gospel. We have watered it down to make us feel good and justify the American dream. Reality is the American dream is all based on self and I. If we read the Gospel we see that is in contradiction to what we are called to be. When is it time to put aside the wealth of knowledge we have and get our hands dirty meeting needs. Feed the hungry, cloth the naked, shelter the homeless, love the hurting, or just pray to the Father. The truth and knowledge that we find in God and His word is not something to be read and stored away. Let it be the compass of your life, spend less time on the blackberry and more time digging into the truth of the Word. Find the forgotten around you and serve them. The single mom who just needs a break. The lady in the nursing home that never has a visitor. The orphan laying in the crib that needs a bottle. What did God design you for? We are called to honor and praise Him, but above that you where masterfully designed for a specific purpose. I pray that God reveals that to you this Christmas. Seek Him in prayer and through His word.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
3 John 1:4 What brings Him joy?
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."
John is writing to the church and speaks words straight from the heart of the Father. What better joy than to see a child walking in truth. Anyone who is a parent cannot explain the feeling of seeing there child honor God in there life and daily walk. Yet sometimes we forget what it means to God to see us living our lives as examples of truth, and Gods word. Its so easy this time of year to worry about making a lasting impression of what the Christmas season should be for our children. It is honorable for parents to want this time of year to be memorable for there children. We all want better for our children. That is not something that comes from us, this is something that was first shown to us from God. He wanted something better for us, therefore He sent his son to save us from our own sin. He wishes and hopes for us to walk in His truth. This Christmas the greatest gift you could give would be to walk in His truth. This not only honors God but will show your children that you value what God has done for you. We all learn best not only by hearing but seeing it done as well. If you wish to place an importance on the things of God let your children see you live it. Not only will this please God it will show your children, and the world Christ is not about just knowledge it is about relationship. This Christmas give a gift to God, honor Him in all you do as you celebrate His sons birth.
John is writing to the church and speaks words straight from the heart of the Father. What better joy than to see a child walking in truth. Anyone who is a parent cannot explain the feeling of seeing there child honor God in there life and daily walk. Yet sometimes we forget what it means to God to see us living our lives as examples of truth, and Gods word. Its so easy this time of year to worry about making a lasting impression of what the Christmas season should be for our children. It is honorable for parents to want this time of year to be memorable for there children. We all want better for our children. That is not something that comes from us, this is something that was first shown to us from God. He wanted something better for us, therefore He sent his son to save us from our own sin. He wishes and hopes for us to walk in His truth. This Christmas the greatest gift you could give would be to walk in His truth. This not only honors God but will show your children that you value what God has done for you. We all learn best not only by hearing but seeing it done as well. If you wish to place an importance on the things of God let your children see you live it. Not only will this please God it will show your children, and the world Christ is not about just knowledge it is about relationship. This Christmas give a gift to God, honor Him in all you do as you celebrate His sons birth.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Seeking to Serve: Mathew 14 : 13 When you thou makest a feast, cal...
Seeking to Serve:
Mathew 14 : 13
When you thou makest a feast, cal...: "Mathew 14 : 13 When you thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. and thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot re..."
Mathew 14 : 13
When you thou makest a feast, cal...: "Mathew 14 : 13 When you thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. and thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot re..."
Mathew 14 : 13
When you makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. and thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee.
Who have you invited to Christmas dinner? It's nice to see your family. It's fun to watch the kids open presents, but what about the forgotten. What about those without a family or even those without hope. We are very blessed to have been born into a society that is not in a fight for basic needs. We have been placed here by God for one reason alone. To mirror the example Christ set before us in His life, death, and words(Bible). This Christmas think not of the cute baby in the manger but off the God who came into a sinful world by choice. Think not of the wise men bringing gifts but of the gift Christ brought to us. Think not of fireplace and and carols, but of those with no heat or without a voice.
Christmas is a time of great joy not because of what you get or who you might get to see. It it significant because of the choice God made to come for you and me. I pray that as you read this you don't get mad, or agree and walk away. I pray that as you read this you decide to give this Christmas away.
Whether it means to take food to the shelter. Drop off a blanket to the homeless. Bake some cookies for the forgotten neighbor. Make a donation to a ministry. Or maybe decide to go on that mission trip that God has been calling you to. Let the season of celebrating Christ's birth be more than a party but a time of giving ourselves to His call.
The young lady pictured above is an example of how life is for many around the world. A beautiful little girl with Cerebral Palsy. In America it would be a sad story, however in Honduras it is more so. No government aid for meds or even a wheelchair. This little girl has been in this same stroller for over 3 years and as you can see has far outgrown it. In April we hope to make her and her mothers life a little easier by giving her a wheelchair. This Christmas be on the look out for needs around you. When you see one you can help with let nothing get in your way.
Think about the final gifts you are buying as this week rushes through. Have you considered a gift to The Carpenters Heart. $5 can feed a family for 2 weeks. $10 could buy 80 blocks for the orphanage. $65 is one hour of work on the backhoe for the foundation. What can you do this Christmas?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
What a day.
Dec 15th was such a blessing. It was an honor to see Gods people gather together to serve the forgotten at Christmas. We where able to join with Barnardsville Baptist in providing smiles through gifts for some of the forgotten of Western North Carolina. Once a year Craggy allows home made food inside there walls for the prisoners. Each Christmas churches and ministries across WNC come together to bake items to put a smile on the face and some sugar in the bellies of the often forgotten souls that may have made a mistake in there life. It was an honor to see the love poured into these 25 bags that will go to people who in Gods eyes are important and need love. Psalm 50 talks about the restoration that David sought. I pray that these bags and notes of encouragement will be a show of Gods love that points them toward Christ this Christmas season.
We where also able to put together over 30 backpacks full of items to go to nursing home residents. We all know how busy Christmas can be and often times these precious elders can be forgotten in the busyness of the season. Asheville is the home to many transplants and business people, both of which are sometimes away this time of year. Please remember to take time to give the most precious gift this season, your time. A smile, hug, or a kind word is often all these wonderful people would like for Christmas.
We also received a call tonight from Honduras letting us know the rough grading was finished and ready to go. Next step digging footers. We are awaiting the cost estimate for this stage. This will include the digging, rock and block 18 inches deep, and all the labor to put it in place. This will be a considerable cost that we must take care of before March. Please consider us when making your Christmas gift list this year. $5 dollars would go a long way if we all gave.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Treat bags 4 Craggy, Gift bags for the Nursing home.
On Wednesday Dec 15th the Carpenters Heart will be joining Barnardsville Baptist in preparing treat bags for the prison. We will meet at 6pm in the fellowship hall no matter the weather to bag up home made goodies for the folks at Craggy. This is the one time of the year homemade food is allowed inside the walls so it is a very anticipated treat. We will be dividing up cakes, cookies, pies, fudge, etc to be delivered on Thursday to the prison. We are hoping to put together 25 bags (fairly large). We will need lots of goodies so come with food, we will have all the supplies needed to wrap these items up.
We will also be packing bags for the nursing home. We will be filling backpack's (we will supply) with items nursing home residents may be in need of. Things such as lotion, hand sanitizer, puzzle books, dolls for Alzheimer's patients, socks with rubber grips, sugar free candy, etc. These will be prepared for delivery this Friday. We are still in need of items to fill these bags. If you would like to donate items but can't make it out for either of these ministries please call Andy @ 775-6646.
Come join us at 6pm for pizza and to pack bags for the forgotten.
We will also be packing bags for the nursing home. We will be filling backpack's (we will supply) with items nursing home residents may be in need of. Things such as lotion, hand sanitizer, puzzle books, dolls for Alzheimer's patients, socks with rubber grips, sugar free candy, etc. These will be prepared for delivery this Friday. We are still in need of items to fill these bags. If you would like to donate items but can't make it out for either of these ministries please call Andy @ 775-6646.
Come join us at 6pm for pizza and to pack bags for the forgotten.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thank You
As you can see from the picture to the right, we have the deed to God's Property. Thanks to much prayer and support from so many we now own the land. What now? Well beginning in January we will be raising money once again for construction. This has been outlined as phase two of our plan. We will begin construction God willing at spring break in April. We estimate a need of $20,000 for the building itself. This is a very rough estimate and we are in the process of design and getting qoutes as we speak. We mention this only to ask for your prayers as we take this next step. The only thing we have planned at this point is a night at Fun Depot on January 14 and another pancake breakfast at Fatz Feb 5. We are also trying to organize a million dime campaign. The month of February we are seeking business, churches, small groups, boyscout troops, lion clubs, etc. To collect change for this project. Please be in prayer for these items as well as the local ministries we are working with this Christmas. If you are interested in helping with packing or wrapping please come to the fellowship hall of Barnardsville Baptist on Wednesday Dec 15 @ 6:00. We will have pizza and will be preparing home made desserts for the prison, Gift backpacks for the nursing home, as well as wrapping presents for the foster care families. If you are interested in getting involved in any of this please contact Andy at 828-775-6646
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Why do you go?
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Church in Sanfrancisco De Yajoa |
Typical house in Sanfrancisco |
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Crib in orphanage. Why I go |
Walk a mile in there shoes.
The trip last week to Honduras was full of moments that brought us closer to God. One of the most meaningful and simple things to me was a walk down the road in front of the new property. This road is well travelled by hundreds of folks going into and out of SanFranciso De Yajoa. The children walk this route to school, farmers bringing food into town, people collecting wood to cook by, and anyone with businiess in the cities of San Pedro or Tegucigaulpa. The large majority of this traffic is foot traffic. We where able to park and walk our new road for the first time. We where blessed to be able to go door to door in the area next to the land. We where able to bring bags of food to many of our neighbors as we realize this as the biggest physical need. Most of the people if not all that we visited with had eaten only tortilla's and fruit as they had no money to buy any other food items. Most of the families surrounding the property will eat only one meal per day. We where able to bag up a weeks supply of rice and beans to give as we introduced ourselves as there new neighbors. It was amazing to see God use this simple gift as a door to there hearts. We where so graciously recieved by these beuatiful and hard working people. The food was an opening to tell the people why where there. We told them of the plans to builf the orphanage but even more the plan to love this communtiy any way we could. This food will be gone by the time the week ends, but for 4 new believers in Christ there was a greater gift recieved on that day. To see the expressions on the faces go from brokeness to joy after the explantion of God's gift to us all is something I will never forget. Christ coming into the hearts of these people was evident by the change in there body language and there smiles.
I think we have forgotten in the American church what we are to be doing. It is not about the programs, or the music. It isn't about turning 100 members into 200. Christ focused His entire ministry on building relationships with those around Him. As we enter Christmas let us as churches and individuals focus on building relationships as well. Either in you church family or with the person who has just lost his job. If we can meet a need physically or emotionally it will open that person to gifts Christ has already prepared for them. Lets get busy just loving people and speaking the truth and not worry so much about our image or our numbers. Let God be concerned with the outcome lets just do the work.
I think we have forgotten in the American church what we are to be doing. It is not about the programs, or the music. It isn't about turning 100 members into 200. Christ focused His entire ministry on building relationships with those around Him. As we enter Christmas let us as churches and individuals focus on building relationships as well. Either in you church family or with the person who has just lost his job. If we can meet a need physically or emotionally it will open that person to gifts Christ has already prepared for them. Lets get busy just loving people and speaking the truth and not worry so much about our image or our numbers. Let God be concerned with the outcome lets just do the work.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
What is the perfect Christmas?
Have you ever thought about the perfect Christmas. Maybe you picture the family gathered around the fire sipping eggnog as the children open presents. The picture perfect meal has already been consumed and has been cleaned up and put away. Family from far away has travelled in and smiles and old stories are swirling around the room.
Does this sound like what you are expecting? We all dream of this picture perfect holiday, but is it realistic. Lets look at the arrival of Christ and see just how ideal the first Christmas really was. As Jesus' family travelled the countryside to reach Bethlehem the rumors of the woman with child before she was married. The husband was trying to move his family to be counted by the tax collector. A lady nine months pregnant who has been riding a donkey is not quite the picture perfect arrival. Home was a carved out piece of rock that was home to sheep, cattle, and other livestock. What a cozy place for the a birth. As the couple tryed to get ready for this grand event I am sure Joseph was so proud that his new bride would be giving birth to there firstborn in a cave shared with livestock. There where no family present only a few shepards, the trash collectors of biblical times, to share this joyous occasion with.
So when you are travelling this Christmas remember the perfection of Chrits birth isn't in the atmoshpere or the decor. The meal isn't what makes the day. The imperfection of Christ's arrival magnifies the perfection of God and the life that Jesus lived. We are not to focus on the surroundings or even the beauty of this season. We are to focus soley on the fact that Jesus came to come into this imperfect world to live the perfect life and die on theh cruel Roman cross for us to have a chance at living in that perfect place at one with God.
I pray that we all have a wonderful Christmas and that everything falls into place to make this a Martha Stewart Christmas. When that doesn't happen I pray we understand that our sins cause this imperfect and fallen world to be less than we expect. That is why we have Christmas, the birth of the perfect sacrifice freely given to us on that first Christmas.
Does this sound like what you are expecting? We all dream of this picture perfect holiday, but is it realistic. Lets look at the arrival of Christ and see just how ideal the first Christmas really was. As Jesus' family travelled the countryside to reach Bethlehem the rumors of the woman with child before she was married. The husband was trying to move his family to be counted by the tax collector. A lady nine months pregnant who has been riding a donkey is not quite the picture perfect arrival. Home was a carved out piece of rock that was home to sheep, cattle, and other livestock. What a cozy place for the a birth. As the couple tryed to get ready for this grand event I am sure Joseph was so proud that his new bride would be giving birth to there firstborn in a cave shared with livestock. There where no family present only a few shepards, the trash collectors of biblical times, to share this joyous occasion with.
So when you are travelling this Christmas remember the perfection of Chrits birth isn't in the atmoshpere or the decor. The meal isn't what makes the day. The imperfection of Christ's arrival magnifies the perfection of God and the life that Jesus lived. We are not to focus on the surroundings or even the beauty of this season. We are to focus soley on the fact that Jesus came to come into this imperfect world to live the perfect life and die on theh cruel Roman cross for us to have a chance at living in that perfect place at one with God.
I pray that we all have a wonderful Christmas and that everything falls into place to make this a Martha Stewart Christmas. When that doesn't happen I pray we understand that our sins cause this imperfect and fallen world to be less than we expect. That is why we have Christmas, the birth of the perfect sacrifice freely given to us on that first Christmas.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
seeking to serve
Have you ever wondered why you don't serve God as much as you would like to? I feel that I could be doing more at times. I hear of needs sometimes after they are fulfilled and wonder why didn't I do that.
I think the answer may be in our eyes. You see many people including myself look at the world through tinted glasses. Sometimes we even pull the shades of our eyes to avoid the unpleasant sights we may be encountering. Even the Pharisee's looked through at the people with these tinted glasses. I feel we sometimes get so caught up in what the deacons are wearing that we ignore the young lady in tears on the back pew. When is the last time we asked about that person in church that hasn't been there in over 2 months? Why did we wait so long or did we just not notice.
You see much like hitting a baseball. To do it well you have to concentrate on seeing the ball. Watching the spin as it leaves the pitchers hand. When was the last time you walked into a strangers house and looked at it not in judgement but for what they may need.
I learned in baseball if I wasn't completely focused on watching the ball, I would miss.
When was the last time we completely focused in Christ and what He is calling us to. You see if you call yourself a Christian then by definition you wish to live like He did. Any quick glance at any of the Gospels will quickly show that Christ came to serve those in need. He was always aware of the needs around Him. Whether it was turning water into wine or washing dirty feet. Are you willing to go out and seek to serve. Not just say it but too look into the eyes of your neighbor and ask "What can I do for you."
Whether the answer is go to Honduras or simply cut some firewood Jesus has a calling for you. Seek and you shall find.
Never let these words take away from your time alone in prayer, devotion, or study of the Bible.
Use them as extra encouragement to get closer to God
Concentrate on Him, Keep your eyes open to ways to
I think the answer may be in our eyes. You see many people including myself look at the world through tinted glasses. Sometimes we even pull the shades of our eyes to avoid the unpleasant sights we may be encountering. Even the Pharisee's looked through at the people with these tinted glasses. I feel we sometimes get so caught up in what the deacons are wearing that we ignore the young lady in tears on the back pew. When is the last time we asked about that person in church that hasn't been there in over 2 months? Why did we wait so long or did we just not notice.
You see much like hitting a baseball. To do it well you have to concentrate on seeing the ball. Watching the spin as it leaves the pitchers hand. When was the last time you walked into a strangers house and looked at it not in judgement but for what they may need.
I learned in baseball if I wasn't completely focused on watching the ball, I would miss.
When was the last time we completely focused in Christ and what He is calling us to. You see if you call yourself a Christian then by definition you wish to live like He did. Any quick glance at any of the Gospels will quickly show that Christ came to serve those in need. He was always aware of the needs around Him. Whether it was turning water into wine or washing dirty feet. Are you willing to go out and seek to serve. Not just say it but too look into the eyes of your neighbor and ask "What can I do for you."
Whether the answer is go to Honduras or simply cut some firewood Jesus has a calling for you. Seek and you shall find.
Never let these words take away from your time alone in prayer, devotion, or study of the Bible.
Use them as extra encouragement to get closer to God
Concentrate on Him, Keep your eyes open to ways to
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