Monday, July 9, 2012

God has the key to it all

Chains that only God can break!

In the month of June Carpenters Heart partnered with six different churches as people from age 11 to 60 lived out the Great Commission.  From June 1 through the 20th fifty two people put there "Faith in Motion" in and around the countryside near the orphanage site in San Francisco De Yajoa.  While in the country God saw 22,000 lbs of rice, 22,000 lbs of beans, and over 500 lbs of flour distributed as we mirrored Gods example of meeting physical needs to show the need for the "Manna from Heaven".  God allowed us to replace two families roof's as well medical attention for a young girl that had been severally burned.  We where able to pay for the extraction of an abscessed tooth for a twelve year old friend, and help pay for asthma and allergy medicine for a 2 year old boy.  Over twelve suitcases full of clothing where given to those in need, not to mention the many toys that where given as we shared door to door.  All of these things are good and are definitely needed but the truth is that as you read this the food has been eaten.  The toys may have been broken, and the new clothes are now dirty and will one day be worn out. 

However, we where blessed to be sent for a much greater need.  God has designed us all for one reason.  In Genesis God tells Adam that He is to cover all of the Earth we creatures made in His likeness to bring glory to glory and praise that shows His greatness.  When sin was born into the garden through mans decision that command did not die.  We are now commanded, not called, to go unto all nations proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  As rewarding as it is to give food to the hungry, or clothe the naked. We are designed to bring the good news of Christ.  For He is the bread of life.  In response to His call God allowed us to distribute over 50 copies of His word as well as over 300 copies of the book of Romans with the Roman Road printed in the front of each book.  Doors where open to give away over 1,500 salvation bracelets in orphanages, schools and on dirt roads to children who will lay down in a dirt floor for a bed tonight.

We saw a young man who just last year gave his life to the Lord enter into the baptismal waters and make a public confession of his decision to follow Jesus.  Then as we left we saw this man live out the decision as he replaced a roof for a family in great need.  We meet a woman willing to walk 7 miles to have a group of strangers pray for her sick daughter.  We cried with this same mother just a few days later as we prayed for God to comfort her as we prepared that young girls grave.  We walked into a children's hospital and helped feed children whom the world has forgotten but Christ holds in His hands.

We sat in a barn and prayed with a young man who has been chained to a concrete pillar to keep him from running away.  This young mans mom has no other choice to keep him safe.  The mental disability he has calls for action that on the surface seems in human.    God used this situation to show me that we all have chains in our life.  For the majority of the world those chains come in the form of a profession, alcohol, sports, lust, or even something as good as fitness.  You see our Earthly desire for what we want becomes our chains.  Chains of sin that keep us from a right and Holy life.  The only one to hold the keys to the chains of our life is Christ through His sacrifice on the cross.  God seeks us and designed us to live life abundant.  This life is found when we surrender to Him and live for His glory.

The life of abundance looks different for us all but there will always be a common thread.  We will all bring honor, glory, and praise to the only one worthy.  When we do this this the whole world will see Christ in us.  Break through the chains of the world and live for him!