Monday, February 27, 2012

Raising a roof

What would a roof mean to this building?  More importantly what would a roof mean to children who's parents are gone, or are unable to feed their family?  In a few words, Home, safety, hope, food, education, and a chance to know the Savior.  That is exactly what the dream and vision for this home for children has been since day one.  God has placed this project on the hearts of this group and we are blessed beyond measure to have seen God  provide for His work.  We are now ready to raise the roof.
Tonight as I sit in a heated living room watching TV with my daughter I know I am blessed.  The question is why did God place us in a land of plenty and others in a place of desperation.  The answer is simple.  To help others by giving back what God has given to us. 

We have just received quotes for material to complete the roof.  Materials alone will cost between $34,000 and $53,000.  This will be the largest expense of the project to date, but what is the cost of hope for a child walking the dirt streets of Honduras tonight.  What is it worth to give a meal to a crying little girl laying on a dirt floor in the mountains above lake Yajoa.  How valuable is it to give a dose of Worm Medicine to the little barefoot boy walking the back alley's of Pena Blanca.  The true and honest answer is priceless.  None of us may be able to write a $56,000 check but we all could give something.  As we come to Easter and the time of year we celebrate our saviors resurrection, shouldn't we sacrifice in His name for His glory?  If you have been blessed by God and would like to help give to those who are struggling please consider this ministry.  100% of money given to this organization will go directly to helping people physically and sharing the Gospel of Christ. 

Your donation will help with a race against time.  Every day we are in construction is a day that children are without a home. A day without a meal for hungry children, or a day without chance of education.  Please consider a donation to the Carpenters Heart to help care for the least of these.

You can send checks to PO Box 1220  Weaverville NC 28787 or donate via pay pal.  Just think what 50 people giving $50 would do to help raise a roof.  Thank you for your time and heart.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Join us on Sat March 3rd in the field beside Sheena's Restaurant on Barnardsville Hwy.  We will be starting at 8am.  Money raised from this event will go towards several projects all with the same purpose, to share the Gospel of Christ.

Please help spread the word as we join to have some fun and raise some money to spread the Gospel.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Have you made a decision or a commitment?

You may have walked an isle and said a prayer.  You may have been baptised as a believer, or you might even be teaching a Sunday School class.  But the question that has been on my heart lately is  "did you make a decision or a commitment?" 
I am not asking how much knowledge you have of the Word, or even if you can repeat the Lords prayer.
Have you ever made a commitment to God.  I am not talking about lip service, or public words. What I am talking about is much deeper than the surface knowledge. 
You see as a fan of the Clemson Tigers I can recite there wins and loses.  Past coaches and players, even tell you about players they are recruiting to come there in the future.  But I am just a fan,  I am not personally committed to this team.  I can go to the games and even the practises but I am not committed.  Committed would be running sprints, lifting weights, getting hit, in other words it would mean sacrifice.  You see to have a true relationship with Christ we must sacrifice to truly be dedicated to Him.  Not simply following Him by sitting in His house.  We must deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him.  That is more than a decision, and sitting in a pew. 
To be called one of His children we must align ourselves with Him.  This is more than words spoken, this is giving ourselves over to His will.  Life today is lived in the greys.  Not the black and white.  We live a life of half truths and not really lies.  The simple fact is this is not the life described by Jesus.
There is a simple line or fence.  On one side is Christ and on the other is the world.  I feel many Christians want to live on this fence.  In the day of Christ this fence was defined and clear, honestly uncomfortable.  A fence made of razor wire, leaving you to decided follow or stay behind.  Satan has skewed this fence.  The world wants you to think that the fence is wide and comfortable, almost like the great wall of China.  A fence wide enough to stand and walk upon.  The truth still remains,  you are either in or out, and on the fence is still not all in. 
What would the face of local churches look like if we got up, got off of our fence, and got all in with Christ.  Not just in church but in our community.  Working with the homeless, volunteering with the elderly, building for those in need, feeding the hungry, loving those who need love.
GOD does not want us to decide to follow Him,  what He desires is a life saving all in commitment to allow Him to lead.  Life changing commitment is what the Bible describes, not a Sunday morning relationship.  I challenge us all to look at ourselves and examine if we are fans or committed followers.