Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What did you get for Christmas?

                                                         What did you get for Christmas?
In our youth we may have called our best friend on Christmas day and asked "What did you get?".   Even as an adult the question has been asked hundred of times over the last few days "Did you have a good Christmas?.  Our immediate thoughts may turn to what we received or even what we where able to give to our children.  These are not bad things, it is blessed to give and receive.  We give because of our love of for others and in some cases because of the love that Christ has shown us.  God is pleased to see His people giving,  right? 

I think the question I have seen this year is more, what have you seen this Christmas.  Many of us may have spent our first Christmas without a loved one.  Or struggled through this season without the security of a job.  You see when we look back on life there will be very few things that we count as valuable.  What we will hold dear are memories.  Memories of family around a tree, or friends at the table, serving together for the cause of Christ. 

The things I am most thankful for this Christmas are memories of this year.  A year in which we have seen lost souls come to Christ.  A year that has seen families in Tennessee pull together in the aftermath of tornado's to love as Christ loved.  A smile on one of the saints at the Brian center as she received a pair of socks for Christmas.  A young boy who just wanted a Christmas tree for Christmas.   Hundreds of families smiling as they are provided food for the next few days.  A family who's mom is sick and unable to feed them move into a home where food and education are guaranteed.  Christ has truly blessed the Carpenter's Heart over the last 12 months.

These last months have seen the land be paid off, grading completed, water brought to the property, foundation completed, and the block structure complete to the roof.  There where over 300 families feed, over 200 salvation's, 4 baptism's, two baby christening's, beds bought, a child provided with a wheelchair, a debt paid for a refrigerator and all this occurred in a third world country. 

In Tennessee there where 4 families that received some help with things from clean-up after the tornado's to hanging insulation, siding, roofing , and building decks.  All those are things that will one day fade but the love and bond of those involved will never disappear.

We saw over 100 new shoes distributed and many children received backpacks here in northern Buncombe Co and Madison.  Teachers and children alike have seen the stress of going back to school eased as we shared that Christ provides for our needs. 

This year has seen a family receive a simple wheelchair ramp built to ease the burden of access to there house. 

Over the last several months there have been many smiles and even some laughter as members have spent time with the wonderful family of friends at the Brian Center.  Christmas was a time of carolling and handing out over 130 pairs of socks and cards.  Even more than that was time spent talking to dear friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. 

What a year God has blessed us with!!  The things that have been done this year have nothing to do with the people of this ministry, but occur through the power of the Lord.  Christ has blessed this year.  It is always good to reflect on what God has done, but we want to focus on what is ahead as well.  The reason the rear view mirror is smaller than the windshield is to make sure you are always going forward.  We feel God is still calling this ministry to serve, share, and love. 

We want to thank you for the many prayers, the wonderful words, and the financial support that so many have given to allow God to complete His work over the last year.  We want to encourage anyone who may read this to get involved in what God is doing either here or elsewhere.  There are many opportunities for every age and ability to serve the Lord.  We are always seeking volunteers to pray, serve, and love in the name of Christ.

We are planning on continuing all of the ministries listed above into 2012.  To do so we will need prayer warriors, volunteers, and funds.  If you feel led to help in any of these areas we would love to plug you in and get you going to serve the Lord.  You may email us at   or find us on Facebook.  If you would like to make an end of the year tax deductible donation you may do so through pay pal at  You may also make checks out to the Carpenters heart and mail them to PO Box 1220 Weaverville NC 28787.  Remember 100% of all money given will go directly to the mission field and sharing the love of Christ. 

Thank you for your support.  May God bless you and keep you.  Help us eat this elephant one bite at a time.