Monday, May 23, 2011

What a blessing this last trip was.   The work that this team accomplished through God is mind blowing.  From the evangelism opportunities in the school, from the door to door visitation, to the work on the orphanage God truly blessed.  The support of so many made this trip a success.  Our prayer is that God is continually glorified not only in Honduras but here in the states as well.  We are so blessed to have the partnership of many wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ that allow God to produce miracles here and abroad. 
The foundation is almost complete, there have been almost 4,000 block placed and most importantly over 300 confessions of faith.  The work here is only just beginning.  We pray that you continue to partner with us in any way you feel lead.  We are always in need of prayer for the work that is ongoing on this project, for the safety of the workers, for the continued growth in Christ of our friends in Honduras, and a clear direction from Gods will on this project.    We are also planning a trip in November.  The dates fro this trip will be Nov 5-12.  Tickets are currently $385 dollars and can be ordered at anytime.  There will be another $300 due the day of the trip.   This will cover all expenses for the week.  If you are interested please call Doug or Andy as plane tickets change daily.  We are also in need of monetary support.  The current work expenses are running at around $1,300 per week.  You may join us at Chilli's this week on Thursday and present this article for a Chilli's giveback day.  Anyone who presents this article will give 10% of there total bill to the Carpenters Heart.    You may always donate through Paypal at or mail a check directly to us at PO Box 1220, Weaverville NC 28787. 

Doug Garrison 712-6406
Andy Plemmons 775-6646

Monday, May 16, 2011

Where does your joy come from?

James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this; to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

What have you experienced this week to feel happiness.  Was it a special meal out on the town, a purchase of something not needed but really wanted.  Could it be the a walk in the mountains, or just the simple smile of your child after a day of fun at the park.  There are millions around the world that will  never experience any of those things, yet they are full of a joy that is unmistakable.  Where does there joy come from? More importantly how do I attain it and pass it along to my children. 

Joy of this nature comes from one place or should I say person alone.  God details in the book of James not how to be saved but how our lives should look after salvation.  For a big part of my life I assumed that God called me to sacrifice because I needed to suffer  for my sins.  I was incorrect in my thinking.  God doesn't call us to a life of sacrifice for our punishment.  If that was the true, then He would have never had to suffer on the cross.  You see the life of sacrifice He is calling me, really us, to is for our own benefit.  For the first time in my life the truth of the statistics that 3 million people are living on less than a dollar a day is real.  Not just something I tell my Sunday School class, or something I hope my daughter grasps.  I was shown what true happiness comes from over the last few years while serving in Honduras. 

The picture you see above is from the home of a  single young mother named Maria.  Her and her seven children ages 16 through 6 live in a two room home that is about 10ft X 10ft.  When we first met there was one bed for three of the children and a mat for Marie to sleep on.  There kitchen with a wood burning  plaster and iron stove and nothing else was barren of food.  The water from the mountain side is unfiltered.
The heat on the day we met was almost unbearable with no fans and no ac(or windows for that matter).  As we walked down a worn path to this beautiful Honduran home we where greeted with a smile only God could inspire. 

We where there in the village to hand out beans and rice as a means to share Christ, little did we know she was going to witness to us.  We found Maria in her hammock.  You see Maria age 35 is suffering from a 2 year bought with what was described as a lung and bone disease.  All 80lbs of her where smiling as she received food to feed her children where only minutes before there was none.  As we sat with her and herd her story our hearts where broken.  After becoming ill her husband had left her to care for the children by herself.  As her health had declined she was no longer able to do even the simplest of tasks.  Her oldest children where now carrying her to the hammock each morning and back to her mat each night.  She is now unable to eat anything but baby formula.  Baby formula that she had been out of for several days before we arrived.  Yet when we asked if she knew God her eyes became alive and she smiled as she told how she would have her children read from Gods Word each day.  She explained that God was what was carrying her through day to day.

Over the next couple of days money that had been donated went to fill her kitchen with over 100lbs of beans.  We where also able to secure 4 cans of enfamil, several bags of pasta, 25lbs of rice and other food.  We where also able to put shoes on the feet of all seven children and Maria herself.  God was also able to provide some medicines  for the children as well as clothes for everyone in the family.  One of the simplest but most appreciated blessings God allowed us to share was the gift of a bed.This bed not only allowed Maria to get off of a mat and her children off the floor.  A simple bed and pillow, something I have taken for granted all of my life gave her joy.

We have been truly blessed to see so many stories playing out in front of us over the last 5 years.  Stories that would not be possible without the prayer and support so many have offered.  We pray that you hear Gods call to find joy in your life.  See the reason Christ told the rich young ruler to sell his possessions and the reason we are called in James to put our faith in motion is not a punishment.  It is Gods call to each of us to have purpose to our lives.  He commands you and I to serve not to make us a slave but to free us from our own slavery.  There are many more Maria's and others not only in Honduras but around the world.  Please consider a donation to allow us to serve, feed, and just love people in the name of Christ. 

The Orphanage is coming along well over the last few weeks.  Construction is in full blast as we have seen the foundation come to near completions and interior and exterior walls grow from the ground.  Please continue to support this project.  At a cost of near $1,300 per week we are praying for God to provide.

Look for Gods joy in your life, it is the only joy that is everlasting.